Supportive Alcohol Policies are a Key Component in FASD Prevention


In recognition of this year’s Alcohol Awareness Month, let us take the opportunity to discuss the importance of shifting policies to be more supportive of FASD prevention. This will require the development of evidence-based policies that address, and proactively promote healthy pregnancies, as well as examine the relationship between alcohol policies and infant morbidities and injuries. Creating policies that limit alcohol availability may help reduce adverse infant outcomes and get us one step closer in recognizing fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) as an alcohol-related harm. In North Carolina, 1 in 20 children have FASD and each year over 8,628 infants are born alcohol exposed. Supporting articles listed below.

Supportive alcohol policy as a key element of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder prevention - Lindsay Wolfson, Nancy Poole, 2023 (

Relationships Between Alcohol Policies and Infant Morbidities and Injuries - PubMed (